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Copy number variants (CNVs) in the human genome contribute to both phenotypic variation and disease susceptibility. The role of CNVs in psychiatric disorders is highlighted by a growing number of publications reporting CNVs associated with autism, ADHD, schizophrenia and schizophrenia-related CNVs such as 1q21.1, 22q11 and 15q11.2 The frequency of most CNVs is low thus valid studies require sample sizes achievable only through large-scale collaborations.

The ENIGMA-CNV working group aims to carry out mega-analysis or meta-analysis on existing structural MRI and DTI data coupled with CNVs.

If you are interested in joining ENIGMA-CNV working group, in the planning and/or by providing data, please contact Ole A. Andreassen ( and Ida Sønderby ( Also, please fill out the following Google Poll if you are interested in joining our CNV analysis [HERE]


Protocols detailing each of the steps for completing the image processing steps may be found here: [TO COME]
Protocols detailing each of the steps for completing the CNV Calling may be found here: [TO COME]

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