Hello Connectome Enthusiasts!!!

Mark your calendars, on OCTOBER 28th – 30th, ENIGMA, along with the Dutch Connectome Lab and NCU will be hosting, the first ever

10K in 1 DAY workshop!!

We’ll be doing what has never been done before!!
In addition to a training workshop about processing T1w and DWI scans to create connectomes, we’ll walk you through how to process your images right there!
Not a handful of your scans, but the FULL dataset. No dataset is too large to handle. We plan to process over 10,000 images in those 3 days alone.

If you’ve signed up already, now is your chance to apply for a travel award.

STEP 1 — If you have not already, sign up with your scans on the Utrecht page so they know how many scans to expect!
The Dutch Connectome Page

STEP 2 — Apply for a travel scholarship from ENIGMA here!!

STEP 3 — See you in UTRECHT!

For details and information check out: The Dutch Connectome Page

ENIGMA on social media: